Star Trek fans the world over all know the story:
“No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space.”
Ref: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
The Star Trek knowledgeable fans can even give you Captain Kirk's birth date and place:
March 22, 2228, Riverside Iowa
It's the super fans that can tell you how this came to be:
But did you know that the USS RIVERSIDE NCC-1818 was built 1987?
I did some serious digging through the World Wide Web, it's amazing what you can find, and discovered an old Science Fiction magazine called STARLOG. In issue 139 pages 17 & 18 it tells how this amazing feat of engineering came to be.
Built in 1987... means a long time to be exposed to the elements and that is where the USS RIVERSIDE is located, in the parking lot of The Voyage Home Museum. Out where she is our showpiece, welcoming all to Riverside Iowa, the elements are taking their toll. Our star ship needs your help! Please consider a donation, any amount large or small would be helpful. You can make a donation at The Voyage Home Museum or at City Hall. It would also be a great help if you pass this information on, “the wider the net the greater the catch.” A lot of small donations makes it easier on everyone to help and still helps us reach our goal.
If you would like to make a donation to our "Save The Star Ship" fund please send your check to:
"Save The Star Ship 1818 Fund"
C/O Riverside Area Community Club
PO Box 55
IA 52327
The Riverside Area Community Club members appreciate your support.
Thank you for your consideration.